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About thig blog

Ideas, opinions, politics, humanities

Jan Bryxí (*26th October 1990 in Jičín) is a European blogger and author. The main purpose of this blog and my book is to please the readers. The second purpose is to show that even severely mentally ill persons can write a blog or book.

In my own words:

I have been contemplating writing my own blog for a long time. Realizing some of my articles are short and should rather be tweets I had no intention to create my own Twitter account (but I actually created it eventually).

I have had a lot to offer (creativity) but since my illnesses have taken a toll (I am torso of me) the reality lies somewhere else.

I suffer from schizophrenia (with prominent negative symptoms), depression (with anxiety), atypical autism, mixed personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and stuttering.

Since my topics are sometimes controversial and are adverse to many powerful groups I want to manifest that I have no intention of committing suicide or disappearing (in case something happens to me). Even if I am jailed.

My influences: Stephen Hawking – ignited my deep interest in science; Filip Tvrdý (an Oxford professor) – taught me how to approach the scientific method and introduced me to analytic philosophy; Richard Dawkins, Alex Rosenberg, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and so on.

My worldview:

I don’t believe in free will, human identity, afterlife, soul, theism, deism, the purpose of life, the purpose of people, or self, I am very reserved to the classic human morality as it evolved for some other purpose than justice, goodness, and happiness. I am a physicalist who doesn’t believe in pseudosciences.

Political position: Global government, anti-consumerism, anti-communism, anti-fascism, anti-socialist, anti-anarchist, anti-War on Drugs, redistribution of wealth based on good purposes like education, drug research, and so on. I am strongly convinced my opinions cannot fit the right-left spectrum but rather qualify to be multi-dimensional.

Education system: I am having extreme trouble with being content with what I call a deeply flawed system. In a philosophical, scientific, and practical manner. The education system is exactly the way how the super-rich want it. I would rather have people philosophically educated who can change the system within, something that would make the system performance far and far better (that’s the science, our methods are outdated). And the practical one? They boast it can produce people entirely fit for the economy. Guess what? I don’t think so. And by the way, they don’t tell you how to really understand politics (even with the background eminences, and interest groups), they don’t want you to think critically.

My (former or current) interests: dialects, organized crime, evolutionary biology, and evolutionary psychology, conspiracy theories (I don’t believe in 99 % of them), psychometrics, psychology, psychiatry, foreign policy, biographies, corruption, espionage, politics, theology, daily news, movies, music, documentaries.