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Tag: mental disorders

  • Worldwide mental health crisis, stigma, religion and culture

    Worldwide mental health crisis, stigma, religion and culture

    As of 2024, the global population is estimated to be approximately 8.1 billion people. Developing countries, as defined by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), encompass 152 nations with a combined population of around 6.87 billion individuals. This means that about 85.5% of the world’s population resides in developing countries. Since I – a severely mentally…

  • Elementary and high school enlightenment: mental disorders and sexual deviations

    When I was an elementary school pupil, I had no clue that I had been severely mentally ill. Highly anxious, light to moderate depression (sometimes even severe), narrow emotional scale. I am not saying I had been suffering the most, but I wouldn’t like to relive the moments again. There was no public awareness of…